History of Kho-Kho

Kho Kho is a traditional game played in India. Its origins are ancient, with strategies and tactics likely derived from the epic ‘Mahabharata’. On the 13th day of the war, the Kaurava General Guru Dronacharya created the ‘Chakravyuha’ a special military defensive circle which was eventually penetrated by the renowned warrior Abhimanyu. He was killed eventually by having to fight alone against 7 other warriors but he inflicted heavy casualties in return. His style of fighting reflects the concept of ‘ring play’ – a defensive tactic in Kho Kho.

Many other similarities are seen but on a deeper level, Kho Kho fosters many other desirable traits – sportsmanship, teamwork, loyalty, competitiveness and self-esteem as well as speed, agility, strategy and quick thinking. This game in itself is a personal development tool for the athlete that takes up the challenge.

Kho Kho was first exhibited in the 1936 Berlin Olympics as a special feature by a single team. As an international sport, it made its first entry in 1996 via the 1st Asian Kho Kho Championship in Kolkata and was strengthened in 2000 at the 2nd championships.

However the scope has remained Asian and with the formation of a British team – the Kho Kho Federation of England has been created and recognised by the Kho Kho Federation of India and Indian Olympic Association. Soon we will be taking this beautiful game truly onto the International platform – this is our vision.

In WEST BENGAL we know the game in the name of “DARIA BANDA”. In the year 1914 the first code of rules were framed by some KHO KHO experts of “DECCAN GYMKHANA” Of Pune. In the year 1928 to promote Indian game “THE AKHIL MAHARASHTRA SHARIRIK SHIKSHAN MONDAL” was formed. For further development of the game KHO KHO a committee of experts studied the game and submitted their recommendation to A.M.S.S.M in 1933.