Howrah Railway Station to Bandel

From Howrah Railway Station to Bandel Junction Railway Station

Approximate Distance of Travel: 49 km
Approximate Duration of Travel: 1 hr 17 min
No. of Stations between Howrah to Bandel: 15

Board Howrah (HWH) – Bandel (BDC) local train from Howrah Railway Station & arrive at Bandel Junction Railway Station. The timetable is given below for your reference:

Vehicle facility from Bandel Junction Railway Station shall be available.

Vehicle Nos. of the Buses available from Bandel Junction Railway Station

WB 15B 8004, WB 15B 8005, WB 15A 9925, WB 15A 9926

 Contact Person for Vehicle Support from Bandel Junction Railway Station

Shri Mithun Kundu Shri Samrat Ghosh
+91 8617776107 +91 9143467197